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Feminist Exodus

Writer's picture: Ibiene BidiaqueIbiene Bidiaque

Updated: May 29, 2024

“...and it is an irony that we need to continually point out that the things that offer freedom actually enslave us.”
Alistair Begg

Some background

If you’ve followed my work for sometime (which I am sure you have not), you might remember my first Blog.

In the article, linked below, I laid out why I chose feminism:

There are other articles like the above on that blog, where I sound so sure of the purpose, objective, and necessity of feminism. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk was also instrumental in shaping my then-feminist mind.

But it is interesting that the feminist pop culture accounts and feminist academicians that I followed on Twitter years ago neither informed me about the origin story of feminism (like they did about the hotly contested gender pay gap, and about the amount of "unpaid labour" women did at home, cooking and cleaning and raising their own children), nor did they look ahead at the real problems that the “T” in the LGBTQIA2S+ movement would present to them in the very near future.

"In a nutshell: You're not a Feminist if your Feminism betrays women and includes men."

Sugabelly does an incredible job presenting the problems posed to (Nigerian) feminism here:

The Origin Story

Feminism dates back to the work of the likes of Mary Wollstonecraft in the 1790s, advocating for the rights of women to vote, own property, speak freely, and to be employed in the job market.

The Suffragettes. Source:

Fast forward to the 1900s: what was there not to love about The Suffragettes? About Emmeline Pankhurst and her warrior daughters who took on the Manchester police through their bold and daring militant-style campaigns.

While movements like these were noble, what I did not know at the time was that feminism would soon morph into the concept that men and women can be the same (not simply equal); i.e.: what men do, women must also be able to do. Then there followed an assault on the idea of gender roles - that women shouldn’t be expected to stay at home raising their children, and that men must make room for women in the corporate boardrooms. And, not surprisingly, there came the campaigns that women should be allowed to smoke without the condemnation of society (after all, men smoked in peace) and should be able to abort their children; movements like these would go on to be puppeteered by corporations like The Rockefeller Foundation who actually benefited from women becoming an active part of the workforce because they were now able to tax women for the money earned working for their employers.

And what happens when women are working outside the home? Their children are sent to government-run public schools and are able to be indoctrinated by government-favoured ideologies since they are spending copious amounts of time outside the home, being taught by government-paid teachers.

“...and it is an irony that we need to continually point out that the things that offer freedom actually enslave us.”
Alistair Begg

The Problematic “T”

Simply put: transwomen are transwomen and transmen are transmen.

Regardless of whether or not phalloplasties, penectomies, hysterectomies, and mastectomies have been conducted, the XX and XY chromosomes that make you distinctly male or female remain unchanged. Therefore, allowing transwomen (who are biological men) into women’s changing rooms, women’s toilets, women’s prisons, and other single-sex spaces, is a direct attack on women (the only type of woman is the one who was born a woman).

And, since we are here, let’s answer that suddenly very controversial question: What is a woman? A woman is an adult human female.

Kelly-Jean Keen does a remarkable job in this debate, explaining why women are indeed "adult human females":

I believe that the preceding paragraphs will get me thrown into jail in the coming future. As Free Blanchard aptly put it: "If a man is a woman, what stops a child from becoming an adult?" We are already seeing the surgical removal of perfectly healthy genitals from children as young as 15 years of age. A 15-year-old cannot legally drink alcohol or get a tattoo, but she can consent to her breasts being removed in the name of "gender affirming care"? We are living in an actual dystopia.

Back to my point: intersectional feminists either saw this future and steadfastly pushed for the eroding of sex in place of gender (so that anyone can become whatever gender they want since sex no longer matters); or the trans activists blindsided intersectional feminists, and these feminists now have their backs up against the wall and are unable to speak up because they have gradually let go of their own rights as women over the years for the sake of “inclusion”.

Women's Spaces

"You will not control what we think and what we say."
Kelly-Jean Keen

Taking women’s spaces away from them is very dangerous. It is dangerous for girls who have been sexually assaulted in public toilets by transwomen; it is dangerous for cosmetologists who were being forced to wax the male testicles of a transwoman; it is dangerous for little girls who were being gawked at as they changed into their swimsuits; it is dangerous for women who have to share a prison cell with transgender sex offenders; it is dangerous for women who have had their would-be titles stripped away from them by transwomen (men).

And women will not be quiet. We refuse to shut up just because you fling labels like “transphobic”, “bigot”, “intolerant”, and “hateful” at us. Get out of our spaces, and leave our girls alone. Women should be able to speak up for themselves and for a right to their own private spaces without having to cater to the emotions of men.

So, no, I am no longer a feminist. Not only is the origin of the movement dubious, but it has now led to countless horrors for women who (along with their rights) are being eroded by men one step at a time.

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